Let's talk about the notorious Rebrand.
This term has taken on many shades of meaning, and while it can be a transformative move for businesses that want to pivot or have gone stale - it's not always necessary. While I have zero regrets about any investments in my brand, in hindsight I would've prioritized setting clear intentions before making a big financial leap. It's normal to feel disconnected to your Brand at some point. We forget that our Brands are their own energetic entities that evolve and expand just as we do. A Brand is never static.
The community that our Brand attracts and engages with is what shapes its identity and defines its meaning in the market. As our culture and society changes, so does our Brand. So do we. Often times, when this feeling of misalignment with our Brand surfaces, we assume we have to burn the whole house down. But that's not always the case.
Last year I was in a season of "disconnect" with my Brand. I was getting lost in the sea of other people's content vs focusing on creating my own. I wasn't allowing myself to show up in my full expression. I wasn't feeling inspired to show up. So I hired a Designer and Strategist because I felt like I needed a clean slate. I convinced myself I was "too close" to my business. I was not in a grounded energy state. I didn't know WTF I needed, but this felt like *it* at the time.
Because I wasn't feeling aligned with myself, it reflected in the project. As a result, I didn't end up using the final product in its entirety. Just to be clear, I don't regret anything and I don't blame the Designer. I missed the mark by not doing the inner work required to be able to authentically communicate my vision.
That experience became a launch pad for the quantum leap that came after. I spent a lot of time reflecting, visualizing, and working on myself. I started a new career. I developed a new plan for my business. Everything you see in the slides got me there. I share this now in case you ever find yourself in a similar place. What you think you need may already be within.